Friday, February 22, 2013


Some people are destined for greatness while others are destined to do great things. I feel like I am destined to be a fighter. I never had it easy and I don't think I ever will. I watch people have an easy time or get what they want while I struggle to get by. The struggle makes us stronger they say, well I should be winning strong men competitions by now in that case. I wish some days things would get easier and maybe go my way, but I know that that isn't my destiny. I have a lot on my plate the next month or so with applying for jobs, finishing classes, and figuring out where I want to start my life. Clearly, I'm just a little I guess the idea of actually starting completely fresh can scare someone even as strong as me. With that said, I know that I have to be strong and be the fighter I have always been to get what I this case a job. I'm a woman with knowledge and ambition regardless of what disappointment comes I have to keep fighting because someone will eventually recognize that right? I mean we can only hope because I have no clue what my future holds for me. There is no certainty in life and as scary as that is it only makes me want to fight harder. No one is going to fight for me, I already know that, plus making it easy wouldn't make a difference in the end. Easy wouldn't make all this worth it or make me the fighter that I am. So my destiny is different than most, but still one that I rise to follow. I am a fighter no matter what and I will keep fighting for what I want, what I deserve, and those I love till the end. It may be stressful and frustrating at times, but with a little patience there might be something beautiful waiting for this fighter in the end. Here's Hoping!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Serenity Falling

When all else fails pray for serenity.

We can't win every battle and some of us can't win any, but truth be told the fighting is what makes us truly powerful. I recently felt like I have been fighting a loosing battle with life and what it decides to throw at me. I am blessed in ways, but been thrown to the sharks in others. In a funny way I am doing better, but better is still not fulfilling any sort of stability in my life. Maybe I am looking in the wrong places or hanging with the wrong people, but I am finding myself questioning friendships and choices I never found reason to before. Life has been playing ball with me for years, throwing curve balls when you least expect them and watching me work so hard just to strike out. I just question when my work will really matter, when all this good will be given a fair fight, a fair chance. I'm not sure when or where life will give me a chance, but until then I am Serenity Falling.
What does this mean? Well me having faith and knowing the serenity prayer that asks for wisdom to know the difference between what I can and can't change in my life is falling. This guidance and belief that serenity calms me is disappearing with the constant acceptance of striking out, of loosing people, of lack of trust. I'm not going to sit here and say that I have no good moments, truth is that I am blessed to have moments I would never take back, but at the same time I am struggling with accepting the same things constantly. That constant acceptance and idea of serenity with these things is making me jaded and numb. When you don't see anyway out or any change over time is there really going to be much hope of it getting better? My serenity is falling away in certain areas of my life. When you have dealt with so much bad, where is the good? Mind you this fall is not affecting the other layers, the parts of me that I strive to improve everyday and the people that I am blessed to call true friends and family. I am still a passionate person who is dancing her heart out and keeping her nose in the books. Yet, there is this feeling of peace being overshadowed that just gets to me time and time again. Here's Hoping Serenity stays around a little longer!