Thursday, April 15, 2010


So today I have become a little more thought provoking...IDK I went to a lecture on narrative reporting which was really interesting by Janet Reitman, who writes for Rolling Stone Magazine. I have to admit that I never read any of her pieces, but before college I never read Rolling Stone. She was really fascinating and I feel like I learned some things about that line of work that I didn't before, not to mention I got to see a great writer which I might not get the chance to see other wise. I feel like by way of college I am getting exposed to things I never thought I would like or care to do...but I think that's the importance of college...especially with a liberal arts education. You get to tap into things you never thought you might do or like and find out more about the world this way. My advice to prospective college students is absorb...go to event and lectures when you think it will be interesting or have nothing to do because this is the time to try everything. That even goes for classes you are thinking about taking, try something new. I am taking Psyc: Sensation and Perception this term and I thought it would be a boring class that I would hate, but its interesting and I learn so much about how we see and how our brain works...I like it a lot and I'm surprised cause that's not my least that's what I thought.

I guess my point is to keep your head up and jump in the water even if no one is behind you because you never know where you might end up or what you may discover!!!

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