Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Birthday!!!!!

I have to admit this day was pretty awesome even if I did have to work and go to class. I have to send a shout out to all my family in friends who really made it such an amazing day. The constant phone calls and "Happy Birthday" wall posts on Facebook really made my day. It was just a great feeling knowing that people care and I have sooooooo many friends and family who haven't forgotten me.
The day started out like any other...two crazy suite mates to happy to go to bed being random in my room, but I love them dearly. Let the record show they were the first to tell me happy birthday today. Then this randomness was followed by an assortment of 8 or so ex-Raubers in my room singing me happy birthday and asking me to blow out candles that were not lit. I did so and ate the brownies that laid below them. I LOVE my random friends and was happily shocked that they would all come over to do this for me. It really meant a lot and I swear I was going to cry. I got cards from family on this historic day as well as a lovely set of speakers by my dear friend Abe. Justin got me a card and a beautiful pair of earrings. David made me sculpture, while my lovely Ruby Claudia made me a cake! Everyone else gave me...i am gonna be corny...the gift of friendship, which is the best gift of all....lots of I love every single gift no matter how small and I can't explain how amazing it feels to just know people care.
As for the day i went to class and slowly nodded off...not on purpose it just kinda happened and i feel terrible about it. The teacher just rambled on and he talked about the same stuff over and over again. Anyways I went to work which was pretty easy and then enjoyed some down time. I showed my graphic design project to the TA of my class who seemed to think it was alright and around 9pm I went to dance. Dance News...I am doing Hip hop...Excited!!!!....that is all. LOL
I am so close to Friday I can taste it. I can't wait til it is here. In the mean time I am gonna do some reading, watch tv, and maybe order a pizza. Night All!!! Thanks Again!!!

I AM 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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